Hazardous Waste Management
and Compliance
Waste management and disposal practices are governed by Federal and State
regulations promulgated pursuant to RCRA and subsequent related reauthorization
statutes. Additionally, other rules and programs
impact the management of hazardous materials
to monitor and reduce waste generation. Saban
has gained significant experience in the
application of and compliance with these
Hazardous Waste Management
RCRA stands for Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (US). It is a Federal statute
regulating waste that is administered by the US
EPA and enacted by Congress in 1976, as an
amendment to the 1965 Solid Waste Disposal
Act. RCRA regulates the handling, storage,
treatment, transportation and disposal of solid
A wide variety of hazardous wastes are
generated from facility operations or maintenance activities such as:
- Toxic, reactive, explosive & ignitable wastes;
- Waste solvents from vehicle maintenance, printing and painting operations;
- Corrosive wastes from cleaning operations;
- Other miscellaneous wastes generated
from facility operations.
Saban has provided consultation support
to clients regarding hazardous waste
identification and management as
regulated in 40 CFR 260 through 40 CFR
265. Saban can develop an effective hazardous waste management program by
addressing the following critical elements:
CERCLA (or Superfund) passed in 1980, was
designed to impose cleanup and reporting
requirements, by: (1) Identifying sites where
releases of hazardous substances had
occurred or might occur; taking appropriate
action to remedy those releases; and seeking
that the parties responsible for the releases pay
for the cleanup activities.
- Hazardous waste characterization
- Compliance audits & RCRA permitting;
- Recordkeeping, labeling, plans &
- Contamination assessments & action
- Contingency plan/emergency
Superfund Site Evaluation & Remediation
Saban provides assistance to comply with federal
and state regulations governing site investigation
and cleanup activities at sites requiring corrective
action under RCRA, or at inactive/abandoned sites
regulated under CERCLA/Superfund. Services
- Confirmatory Sampling Plans;
- RCRA Facility Assessments (RFA);
- Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study;
- CERCLA/Superfund Site Evaluation.
A multi-disciplinary environmental
consulting firm providing professional environmental,
industrial hygiene and remediation
management services
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