Saban operates a fully accredited environmental laboratory that performs asbestos analysis using the Phase Contrast Microscopy methodology. Additionally, Saban has established strategic partnerships with a nationwide network of analytical laboratories providing quality analytical services. We offer a wide array of analytical testing services to support environmental investigations focused on asbestos, microbiology, lead paint, environmental chemistry, indoor air quality, and industrial hygiene applications for a wide range of commercial and industrial clients. We are committed to providing reliable, defensible data in a standardized and user-friendly format. Saban utilizes state-of-the-art instrumentation, regulatory and industry accreditation, and strategic alliances with accredited subcontract specialty laboratories that exceed industry standards.
Phase contrast microscopy (PCM) - asbestos air samples, polarized light microscopy (PLM) - asbestos bulk samples, non-friable/organically bound (PLM-NOB) - asbestos bulk samples, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) - asbestos air samples, nonfriable/ organically bound (TEM-NOB) - asbestos bulk samples.
X-ray florescent (XRF) - on-site service testing, atomic absorption - paint chip samples, atomic absorption - lead dust samples, atomic absorption - lead air samples.
Drinking water testing for metals, legionella bacteria, total and fecal coliform bacteria.
Total airborne particulate, respirable particulate (NIOSH), airborne fibers, total mold spores, total bacteria, carbon monoxide, ozone, oxides of nitrogen, temperature and relative humidity, airborne lead, miscellaneous other NIOSH, OSHA and EPA analyses.
Molds propagate by means of microscopic spores which are airborne and under proper conditions, grow in indoor environment and cause building related illnesses. These illnesses vary from mucous membrane irritation (allergic reaction) to pulmonary hemorrhage. Air and bulk samples are collected from buildings for mold, fungus, and other pollutants are analyzed as follows: