All in all, it was a very good year for Saban, both financially and professionally. In addition to our excellent performance, our reputation in the profession continues to show positive growth. The coming year promises more exciting growth. As we face both the opportunities and the challenges of this new growth, it is critical for us to keep uppermost in our minds the core values set forth below. The passionate commitment to these values by our employees is what makes Saban a unique and successful company
The Saban Engineering Group’s objective is to be one of the leading environmental science and industrial hygiene consulting firm in the New York Metro Area. We intend to:
In performing their work, our employees subscribe to the values and objectives identified below.
Each employee is responsible for quality. Quality must and does drive all activities, projects, business development and administration. It is viewed from two perspectives: the actual production of quality work and the perception on the part of recipients of our work, whether internal or external, that a quality product has been delivered. Substance and perception are of equal value. Most importantly, the drive for quality is passionate and continuous.
Client needs are anticipated and actions should be targeted to satisfy their ultimate goals. Activities on behalf of our clients are also always within the envelope of our own values. One of the most, if the not the most important aspect of customer orientation is dependability such that products, schedules, appearances and clarity are never missed or absent. We will always deliver on commitments.
To be a leader in our respective professions, there must be a never ending quest for new ideas. This quest includes the development of home grown ideas as well as the application of concepts developed elsewhere. New ideas include both technical process innovations as well as concepts designed to control costs with efficiency within our quality objectives as the ultimate goal.
As we strive to produce quality work oriented to a client’s mission in an efficient manner, we recognize that we will face challenges. Human beings make mistakes on occasion, and new concepts do not always work in practice as they do in theory. Progress only occurs if we are honest with ourselves and each other. Furthermore, our dealings on all matters, whether internal or external, work product, business development or administration, are conducted honestly and in a straight forward manner.
Managers of projects and departments all recognize and embrace the fact that their role extends beyond the management of people and activities. They exhibit leadership as well. Appropriate to their responsibilities, they have a vision of how to accomplish their work. As leaders they provide and project continuous excitement, motivation and energy. Critical to the effectiveness and efficiency of leaders and managers is the understanding that their authority comes not from their position, but from colleagues’ respect of their performance.
Financial success is a result of all actions taken by company employees, not a single activity. Ultimately, financial success results from efficient implementation of the company’s vision, values and systems. As such this success will occur by attention to detail in all activities performed by the company. We will embrace all the work we perform with passion and enthusiasm. Without these the difference between mediocre work and quality work will be absent.